Wrist tether for lightweight hand tools and devices

Why do I need one of these?

Have you ever been high up in the scaffolding above a chamber orchestra while trying to adjust a stage-light, when you drop the spanner you’re using directly into the orchestra pit during a live performance? No? Me either, but if it did happen, Toolband could be there to save the day. I’ve dropped a lot of tools and stuff from high places in my job as an Antenna and satellite tech and the thing that really used to bug me. was dropping tools from high places, First you drop the a shifter like a shifty 49ers wannabee, then you have to go down six flights of stairs and find whatever it is you dropped, which is probably in the middle of a cactus garden. Even worse, it might hit something or something below, like a Shitsu or a washed-up TV star stumbling to the local bottle shop for a fix of his favorite fruity lexia.

But Toolband isn’t for people who do dumb things. If you think you should hang a crosscut saw, or an 8kg angle grinder off it for example and expect to come out unscathed, chances are you’re probably someone who does dumb things and simply aren’t ready for Toolband.

Toolband has a maximum load rating of 1kg, that’s right 1kg … or less. If you have weak wrists, use much lighter things to test your strength like socks, or at least test the weight in a controlled environment before climbing a ladder and just seeing what happens. Don’t do dumb things.

  1. Simply wrap the band around the tool or device. Run the end of the band through both loops;

2. Loop the band back through one loop, as above

Toolband is fitted with additional plastic sliders for the following.

 Slider 1 is used to prevent the Toolband from locking onto your wrist if a tool or device is dropped. If a tool or device is dropped repeatedly, you may have to re-adjust slider 1.

Slider 2 is used to prevent the Toolband falling from your wrist while in use.

Before using put your hand through the loop end with the Toolband logo, then adjust slider 1 to fit your wrist so that you can get at least three fingers under the Toolband while it’s on your wrist with load on .

Adjust the slider 2 so that the band will not fall from your wrist while working. For best results, the distance between the sliders should be about 5cms when on your wrist.

Tighten the loop by pulling the end of the Toolband until the tool or device is secure.

Please note; Toolband is not to be used as a safety device. It is designed with a maximum load rating of no more than 1kg. Before using the Toolband in an active situation, you should first test the weight of the item and ensure that your wrist is capable of holding the item. The drop length of Toolband is 50cms. This can be adjusted +/_5-10cms by moving the plastic sliders.